Add Page In Navigation Menu

Add Page In Navigation Menu

1 Go To CatalogèManage Categories=> Add Sub Categories====note the categories ID

2 Go to CMS èPage => add New Page=====note the the url  key

3 Got To CatalogèURL Rewrite Management=> find Category Id and open store ==note the Request Path and delete this category

4Go toè add url Rewrite => select custom=>ID path– categories ID(1 step path)

Request Path=> Request Path(3 step path)

Target Path =>url Key(2 step path)


How to set number of columns in category listing

  1. Go to  app\design\frontend\default\my_theme1\layout\catalog.xml  open file
  2. Paste this   <action  method="setColumnCount"><count>4</count></action> top of the previous layout details
  3. Paste again in bottom side that show previous layout details<action method="setColumnCount"><count>4</count></action>
  4. Save the file
  5. Go To admin Panel and clear all the caches.